
水の都ひろしまでも有数のロケーションを誇る横川南端の河岸で行う夏イベント会場は横川胡子神社から楠木大雁木に至る河岸一帯で、木陰に設置された特設ステージでの音楽・ダンス、各種飲み物やバーベキュー、多国籍料理などを楽しめる屋台、マルシェのほか、SUP(スタンドアップパドルボード)体験や各種ワークショップ、ゲームなど、子どもから大人まで、家族連れでも一日ゆっくり楽しめる。横川ビクトリーロードの中間地点にあり、ビール片手に心地良い風に吹かれな がら川越しに新サッカースタジアムを眺めるのもgood!
A summer event gets held on the riverbank at the southern end of the Yokogawa River, which boasts one of the best locations in the water city of Hiroshima. The event takes place along the riverbank from Yokogawa Ebisu Shrine to the Kusunoki Big Wild Goose Tree and features music and dance on special stages set up under the trees. There are stalls offering various drinks, barbecues, and international cuisine, a marché, SUP (stand-up paddleboard) experiences, and various workshops and games. The festival also offers SUP experiences, various workshops, games, and other activities for families of all ages to enjoy throughout the day.
Located halfway along Yokogawa Victory Road, it’s a great spot to enjoy a beer in one hand while taking in the view of the new football stadium across the river, all with a pleasant breeze.