
広い会場内では、近年復活した横川獅子舞が練り歩くとともに、数か所に設けられたステージで公民館で活動するグループや地域の子どもたち、人気バンド、パフォーマーが音楽やダンスなどで盛り上げます。勿論、 飲食・物販などの屋台めぐりも魅力です。
また、2020年の26回大会から地元の中広中学校の生徒達 がデザインした多様なポスターが制作され、生徒自ら企画・運営するブースも出店するなど、世代や国籍を超えて交流し楽しめる一日になっています。
The event, held since 1996, is Yokogawa’s oldest and largest interactive event in the region.
The whole town, along with the shops in the Yokogawa shopping center, is used as the venue.
At the large venue, the recently revived Yokogawa Lion Dance parades through the streets, while groups from community centers, local children, popular bands, and performers entertain the crowds with music and dance on several stages.
Naturally, the food and drink stalls are also a major attraction.
In addition, starting from the 26th edition in 2020, a variety of posters designed by students from the local Nakahiro Junior High School will be displayed. Booths planned and run by the students themselves will also be set up, making it a day of exchange and enjoyment that transcends generations and nationalities.